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Blue3 said:
Michael-5 said:


P.S. Kudos for talking some sence into Blue. I've been reading both of your comments, and it looks like you finally got him into a position where he can no longer make a proper counter arguement. So he calls you a cherry picker, LOL. I hope he realizes that it's very possible for the game to sell in the range of 6-9 million, but there is a good chance it will sell better. It's just so hard to be critical of the PS3 in these forums, but the same can't be said for Wii or 360.


He picks GT2 and GT4 numebrs to back his opinin while dismissing the others.  To prove some point he dismisses the highest sellign GT while keeping the lowest casue it helps his casue.

He uses info that helps his argument while tottaly ignores the info that cripples it.  

How is that not cherry picking ?

GT5 selling 6m only is as possible as MW failing to break 3m first week. 

Really now? use common sense, GT sold 2.55 million yes i know and it was the first game, GT4 sold 1.26 million and it was the last game out.

If your gonna compare sales you look at the latest release not the one from 12 years ago.

Like this upcoming FFvsXIII youd estimate its sales based off of FFXIII selling 1.9 million in Japan and it being the latest release, i wouldnt say it may sell 3.5 million just because FF7 sold 4 million in Japan. 

Thats just common sense for anything.