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mai said:

mrstickball said:

A war between north and south would be incredibly bloody. But the South would win it pretty handily. The DPRK is using technology from the 60s and 70s, whereas the Koreans are litterally in the top-3 for most the most advanced military in the world (right there with US and Israel, and their new assault rifles are arguably the best in the world).

Nothing I've said contradict what you've said. Though a little remark should be made in the sake of history. South Korean army was armed with american small arms prior to conflict though seriously lacked in armoured vehicles and tanks (little to no aviation on both sides until UN forces got involved and eventually SU later same year). Not sure what troops you're talking about, there were no Soviet land forces in Korea.

Back on topic, I've descibed only one scenario in which DPRK army has a chance - invasion of South Korea on their territory -  at this current state DPRK army is incapabale of similar scale operation on South Korean territory obviously.

//And yes, that Israel part was lolworthy.

What part of Israel's armed forces are lol-worthy? Their avionics surpassed virtually every other country for their air force

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.