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As much as I would love to believe that article, so that it crushes this nonsense once and for all, even though it HAS been OFFICIALLY stated by Konami time and time again.....there's no kind of source in that article. All it says is that "the gamereviews (who are they again?) spoke to a Konami Spokesman"

As far as I'm concerned, I could make an article that says the exact same thing.....without any sources or credibility for that matter, I can't take at face value

Currently playing:

Unreal Tournament 3, Warhawk, Rock Band, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, DMC2, then 3, and Radiata Stories

"Stop the presses// It's been a while but I'm back in session// And in the past time my flow's matured more than adolescence// It's time to learn a lesson// So get you pen and your pad out, listen close, and take heed to this blessing"