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Blue3 said:
Michael-5 said:

This won't lead to a ban..

Settle down you two.

Why would it, other then your insinuations no one has a problem.  You two can't stand some one calling you out on your BS can you. 

He is your buddy, maybe expalin to him how to use numbers not just cherry pick. 

This just doesnt make any sense to me, i mentioned how its preorders are 500,000. GT2 and GT4 didnt double its opening. Most big PS3 games like FF13, Yakuza,  MGS dont even double their opening. RE5 only doubled it because of the Gold edition and even thats not triple.

Then theres the fact that after the original GT no GT game has sold over 2 million. With GT4 selling only 1.2 million. GT5P less than 0.6 million.

Then about how theyd sold 20 million PS1's and PS2's compared to the less than 6 million PS3's.

How GT has never been as popular as FF, the fact that the best selling PS3 game in Japan is 1.86 and then after that two  games that did around 800,000.

But then theres you who for thinks its magically gonna have 4x and more legs, its gonna outsell GT2,3 and 4 by a considerable amount depsite not even having a third of the userbase of the PS1 or 2, and that its gonna outsell a FF game by alot even though FF12 doubled GT4s sales.

Its just pure fanboyish what youre doing to be honest, whereas im just being very realisitic. Its not like 2.2 million even has a good chance at happening, like the amount it could reach if it had a miracle, its just impossible. Its as likely to happen as Little Big Planet 2 selling 10 million copies worldwide.

And whats even worse you made a prediction itd open to 0.8 million, i made a prediction of 0.5 million and then Vgchartz report comes out and they say its expected to open to 0.5-0.55 million. I was 100% spot on and you were way off and youre still thinking trying to fault my way of thinking even though i was exactly right, after that you should be taking everything i say into serious consideration.