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Gnizmo said:
superchunk said:

Which is why some massive firing with massive fine needs to be associated to fix. Its a simple fix and all that is really necessary.

Still, I'm ok with these as it provides a far more secure setup and far less invasive than a real pat down/search.

 Secure in what way? The threat that caused this would not have been detected. You have just objected to a less invasive, and more effective method. So where is the line? What precisely is considered a fair trade-off security for liberty wise?

Secure in that every passenger and attendant had a visual check in any are they could conceal anything. The visuals are off-site and therefor not embarrassing as a physical pat down or having to remove clothing. No one is touching my wife or kids, yet we have all been 'searched'. That, to me, is a fair trade-off for better security. Its no different than having nurses and doctors all up your business at a hospital, in fact its better as the people 'viewing' the horribly poor quality image are not even there.