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twesterm said

Do I care about privacy?  Sure, but there are times I see something as necessary or just not caring.

The person who scans you probably sees thousands of people a day, do you really think they care?  And even if they do care, why should you care?  Just ignore it and get on with it.  It's not a huge deal.  Everyone has issues and a lot of people have body issues (me included, I got a big belly!) but just think of some things as necessary evils.  It's not nearly as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.

And one more time, there's a beyond simple solution if you don't like it: don't fly.

What if they institute these measures on bus, train, and sea travel? There's nothing stopping anyone from doing it.

The "just don't fly" argument doesn't fly. It's a necessary service to get anywhere in the modern world. Just as police aren't allowed to grab your junk without due cause, the TSA should have to abide by those same laws. What the TSA is doing borders on unlawful searching. There's a legitimate reason for people to be upset about this practice. The scanners themselves don't even bother me as much as the vigorous groping they do as a deterrent to opting out.

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