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loves2splooge said:

Dude you are incredibly stressing over this. What do you really want out of this? Do you want to date her because she's attractive and you want to have sex with her? Or do you want to date her because you genuinely like her, enjoy her company, she makes you happy, etc? Sometimes the former can make it seem like the latter is true. And this happens a lot more than guys are willing to admit.

For eg. there was this gamer chick I talked to online awhile back and I thought I cared about her. But then I asked myself, "if she wasn't an attractive specimen with a vagina, would you really care all that much about spending time with her? Your other buddies are gamers too after all. What makes this any different than her being an attractive chick with a vagina?" Once I asked myself that question, it all became clear to me. And I started to really question the purpose of relationships beyond satisfying neurobiological urges (sex and the feeling of "being in love") and reproducing to further the human race.

That all said, I have my doubts as to whether love is really real (I can honestly say there isn't a single person on earth that I love. I don't even love my mother. I think my mother is a great person and I appreciate her. But I never felt strongly about her to say that I loved her. If I loved anyone in this world, it would be me). Maybe we just like to think we can love when really we're all just self-interested douchebags with selfish motivations. Or it could just be that love does exist but I myself am not capable of feeling genuine love for others.

The latter is more definitely true in this case, as in the totally-honest-brutal description of things, she's not hot. Good-looking, to be certain, especially in the facial area that i find essential to find a girl attractive, but not hot (two of the other girls in my internship definitely outclass her either way. One is a smokin' Ecuadorian chick).

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.