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Killiana1a said:

Yes, those numbers from are a tad higher than VGChartz' numbers. I don't want to bicker about semantics.

As for my predictions, a lot of it is tied in with the success or lack thereof of the Wii this holiday and 2011. I believe if the Wii does not meet expectations these holidays and is not bolstered by Zelda next year, then Nintendo will announce at E3 2011 their latest console launching in 2012. This is a gut feeling of mine, not fact or truth.

Henceforth, if Nintendo ends this generation come 2012 then I just don't see Gran Turismo 5 being the huge seller both GT3 and GT4 were because it will have had less time for those bundled legs to run.

I could be wrong, but one thing I do know is that Gran Turismo 5 ain't going to touch Black Ops first day and first week sales. I am dead certain of it.

Whatever you are drinking, i want to try.  Wii's success or lack there of has no effect on PS3 or its games, some of you are really reachin far as for reasons GT5 wont sales. 

Its not you could be wrong, its you are just totally wrong.

Black Ops on PS3 or overall, big differance.