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CGI-Quality said:
Killiana1a said:
FinalEvangelion said:
Killiana1a said:

It will only reach the 10 million mark if Sony bundles it with every PS3 until the end of this generation coupled with it selling like hotcakes these holidays. Too much time has lapsed between GT4 and GT5 leaving other games such as God of War, Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid and others to define the "Playstation experience" absent Gran Turismo.

I have predicted 425,000 in it's opening week and 4 million lifetime (I assume it will be bundled to give it the legs it otherwise would not have standalone retail).

As of the latest preorder charts, GT5 is at 260,000 total. No way it breaks the 1 million mark it's first weekend unless it magically adds another 100,000-200,000 preorder between now and Black Friday.

So less than Prologue?

Good catch. I am fully aware of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and it's 3.99 ( Turismo Prologue) sales since it was released in 2007.

Prologue's lifetime numbers are in line with my GT5 lifetime predictions. My estimate of 4 million is a tad higher.

The biggest spats I have been reading here mainly concerns GT5 vs. past GT games lifetime sales and first week sales.

There is nothing in Gran Turismo 5's preorders, currently, to make me believe there is more hype beyond the 260,000 preroders for Gran Turismo 5 to break the million barrier in it's first week.

I could be wrong, only time will tell.

You are wrong, as GT5:P is currently a 5 million seller (with downloads).

In any event, I think people shouldn't bicker much further about it at this point. The game launches next week, we'll see what it does, but I'm think it's sure to do 2.5 million. If it does, these predictions of 4 - 5 million lifetime will have proven to be FAR too low.

Yes, those numbers from are a tad higher than VGChartz' numbers. I don't want to bicker about semantics.

As for my predictions, a lot of it is tied in with the success or lack thereof of the Wii this holiday and 2011. I believe if the Wii does not meet expectations these holidays and is not bolstered by Zelda next year, then Nintendo will announce at E3 2011 their latest console launching in 2012. This is a gut feeling of mine, not fact or truth.

Henceforth, if Nintendo ends this generation come 2012 then I just don't see Gran Turismo 5 being the huge seller both GT3 and GT4 were because it will have had less time for those bundled legs to run.

I could be wrong, but one thing I do know is that Gran Turismo 5 ain't going to touch Black Ops first day and first week sales. I am dead certain of it.