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Well, I see many  people here are sharing their new inclusions to their own personal rankings through this thread for some time now.
I haven't done it one single time so I though to include them all now that they are not so many, and update it everday, specially because I am under the impression that until this very moment I don't share a single game with anyone (of the ones which have been posted).

Here we go.


50#    Wii Sports

Who could ever say that behind such a simple concept could we find so much fun! It is one of the little games I could share with lots of relatives and friends who are not fond of vg and helped me explain why I love them so much.


49# The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)

This game proved to me that gaming could be all about laughing as Resident Evil proved to me that you could get legit scared out of a game. Hooray for the great times, Monkey Island!


#48 Sonic & Knuckles

My favourite Sonic platformer ever. It was an outstanding and frenetic game that forced me, a radical Nintendo  fanboy at the time, to recognize that Sonic could be damn sexy. Sorry Mario.


#47 Dig Dug

The game that got me into gaming. Wow, it was so addictive. I am not a retro gamer of sorts, I couldn't quite enjoy it today, but at that time it blew my mind away. Thanks Dig Dug!!


#46 Super Street Fighter

The first fighting game I relatively dominated. I was never really good at the genre but that didn't stop me at all from enjoying it. Super Street Fighter for the SNES kept me trying to improve so I could kick my friends asses!!


#45 Blast Corps

Out of the box thinking is something that you don't see every day. Non in games nor in any other form of entertainment. When it happens, I just value it because of the effort involved, because of the courage it takes, regardless if the product was good or not. But when it also delivers huge tons of fun, you can hardly ask for more. Blast Corps was a game that intriguided me before its release and that surprised me when I couldn't put it down. Awesome game!


#44 Contra

The first game I ever beated. Or at least that I was concious about it. I may have finished Super Mario Bros first.. Oh yeah, when you ended up that one you had to start all over again, which I never did. Any way, Contra... Multiplayer mayhem. Macho alien killing. Me and my brother. Good times.

Tah-tah-tah-tah! Die you bastard!


#43 Final Fantasy XIII

March 2010 - I hadn't played a regular Final Fantasy since IX. I had missed the whole PS2 generation and I didn't really regret eventhough Final Fantasy VII and VIII were two of my stronger gaming experiences. I read all the critics, the many harsh ones, the few enthusiastic ones. I knew about the missing towns, how repetitive and linear it was... "I better stick waiting for Tales of Graces and Xenoblade" I thought and bought GoW III.  Well, I don't intend to say I should have done the other way around, cause I eventually bought XIII and learnt that, regardless the reviews, regardless the polemic inclusions and exclusions, regardless of if it was too linear or not, regardless of it all, I had one of the best gaming experiences of the year with it. My expectations were low, really low. I didn't expect anything out of it. And that might have been what allowed me to be awed and entertained, what allowed me to have fun and to love those characters too: enjoying what you are being offered instead of spoiling it because you were too busy  bitching for not being given what you wanted to.