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I don't really mind motion controls, but I really hate when they are used incorrectly.


For example:

New Super Mario Bros. I really hate the fact you shake the controller to do the spinning jump, and you have to hold 1 while shaking to pick up things.. Sometimes simply by just pressing the buttons you can accidentally spin jump, which leads to a death every now and again..


I do however like the interaction with platforms using motion control. When you tilt the controller it tilts platforms, etc.

Thats a pretty new element to games that make it worth while.


Good example of motion in a hardcore game:
Killzone 2!! The dualshock, despite what people may know, is equipped with accelerometers and a gyro for motion.

The way killzone basically makes you hold the controller still while sniping, or else it causes inaccuracy in the rifle, is a pretty great way to immerse the player in the game. Just like you would in real life, you have to concentrate on the shot and keeping it steady, which is a really good touch on the sniper rifle.