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CGI-Quality said:
Ginyu said:

I read through a load of these comments and i dont get people at all.

Frieza said he predicted 6-8 million copies i think thats a good prediction to be honest im thinking around 7 myself. People have been bashing him, someone who couldnt spell said he had a mental problem (get real) , calling him a troll etc, its babyish it really is.

Hes at least tried to back up alot of his points, he mentioned how MW2 is bigger than GT5, that should be obvious to anybody but then someone came out with GT5 is just as big as MW2, no it isnt not even remotley close.

This game will not sell 15 million copies, it wont, it definitley wont. GTAIV hasnt even done that yet. And if the game does end up selling 10 million copies, Friezas prediction will be alot closer to being right than 40 percent of users here.

As its been said GT3 was bundled in USA thats why it sold over 7 million there, over double what GT did, without any word of bundles for GT5 it most likely wont be selling over 3 million in USA, like GT4. 2 million in Japan isnt happening. And in Europe it will do well 4 maybe even 5 million.

This games got alot going against it, people are just fed up with the delays now that the games becoming a joke, i saw pictures for GT5 in a PS magasine in 2006. I go to college with out of gamers, and everybody was talking about GTA4, MW2 there was about 20 of us who went to the midnight opening for Black Ops.

But nobody is talking about GT5, most people have no idea its coming out. So for people to make predictions that its going to more than double GTA4s PS3 sales and MW2s sales by a considerable amount when the game hasnt had a fraction of the hype is silly.

I dont know how people can put down Friezas prediction of 6-8 million though because that has a far better chance of happening than over 15 million which is, well impossible.


This post has just as many problems as it's trying to point out. Far too many absolutes to be realistic.

- You say GT5 reaching 15 million is impossible. It's not impossible, it just isn't likely to happen, but it CAN happen.

- You use anecdotal evidence to point out how GT5's buzz isn't  on the same level as MW2 or GTAIV (which is probably true) but not because of what you said. To say most don't know it's coming out or nobody's talking about it is your view and not much more.

- Frieza's has shown a clear pattern. No, his prediction of 6-8 million isn't terrible (though it's quite low considering Prologue and the franchise's history), but he's in and out of GT5 threads stirring up trouble and obviously (looking at his current state on the site) it's gotten enough attention to warrant disciplinary action.

Finally, I notice how some posters (yourself now included) jump on the tiny few who predicted the game to sell 15 mill or more. What about the MANY other realistic predictions of 8/9/or 10 million? Why ignore those when they are the majority?

I'd also mention the oddity of someone named Ginyu defending someone named Freiza.

What, both being DBZ characters.... i'd call alt... except i'd like to think an alt would be smart enough to not make an alt from the same show.


I still say the 7 million for first shipment number is BS though.