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Blue3 said:
Ginyu said:
Blue3 said:

1 -  a GT DEMO sold 5 million. 6m for the FIRST FULL GT release of a gen is beyond  "Special"

2 - the average sales of GT are 11.4m in case you don't know that puts 15m mathematically closer then 6M, no opinion no bias just math and facts.  

3. -  the highest selling GT is 14.7, just shy of my 15m while lowest selling one is 9.39 quite far from 6m.  So history shows Gt is capable of selling 15m, while showing a low 6m is higly unlikely.  


I see a even a little bit of intelligence is to much to ask for. 

1. A Halo EXPANSION PACK sold 6 million.

2. The average is boosted because of GT3 which sold 14.7 million copies only because it was bundled notice the 7 million US sales for GT3 compared to less than 3 million for GT4.

3. And again GT3 only sold that much because of bundles had it not been bundled like GT4, it would have sold less than 12 million.

LOL thanks for proving me right.

1 - ODST was a true expension, GT5p is a freaking demo.  ODST is what 40 50 60% of what a full Halo game is while  GT5p is maybe 5%  of what GT5 will offer.

2 and 3  - you dont know how much it would sell with out bundels, you don't know that GT5 wont be bundled in NA.  Worthless opinions nothing more. 

However ODST came out AFTER Halo 3, whereas GT5P came out several years BEFORE GT5 when there were hardly any big names out on the console. If something like GT5P came out June 2011 and offered say 20 cars and 5 circuits it wouldnt sell 6 million like ODST.

No i dont know how much it would sell without bundles, im using common sense, GT 1 and 2 sold 4 million in US, the third was bundled and sold 7 million, if it wasnt bundled and being generous it may have sold 4 million aswell. So take 3 million off of the 14.7 million and you have 11.7 million and thats if it sold aswell without bundles, if it had sold about the same GT4 in US well then thatd be about 10.5 million.

It was just a sensible estimate, and no i obviously dont know if GT5 will be bundled but even if it was it wont be selling 15 million.