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44. Half-Life 2 (PC)

Oh the memories. I remember getting this game in the orange box and thinking that this would be one of the good games to play after Portal and Team Fortress 2. Damn how I underestimated this game before I played it. Easily one of the best PC games and shooters ever made. This (and the orange box) is what made me and my cousin fall in love with Valve. The story is just phenominal, the action is packed, and the gravity gun is still one of gaming greastest weapons of all time. I still don't know why they haven't announced Half-Life 3 yet (I've given up on the episode 3 announcement) but I'm gonna get a new compy for Portal 2 so I hope they announce it soon after. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls