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Blue3 said:
Ginyu said:


He thinks itll sell 6.9 million copies by the end of the year (7 weeks). But that has no chance at all of happening, why would people even think that.


Becasue thay have some intelligence and can interpret simple facts. 

Its getting a World Wide release a month before the holidays, GT3 and GT4 did not get a holiday release in Europe. 

7 million GT5s shippping for release week. Can you comprehand what that means ? can you ?

"Becasue thay have some intelligence and can interpret simple facts."

Yeah id be careful about judging anyones intelligence with the amount of spelling mistakes youve made. 

Shipped doesnt equal sold like this site loves to point out. It may be shipping 7 million copies for first week but its not selling half of that Week 1 and its not selling 7 million copies in 7 weeks if it took a game with 10x the hype 14 weeks to do it.