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Blue3 said:


phenom08 said:

Michael-5 said:
Blue3 said:
Michael-5 said:

6 million is possible if the game gets low ratings. Unlikely, but if GT5 goes the way of GT PSP, it's very possible. Freiza also said 6-8 million, and 8 million is definatly not troll job (60% better sales then GT5P is low, but understandable). Your doing no different then Freiza, just oposite ends of the spectrum (Freiza thought 15m predictions were just utterly ridiculous).

Saying comments such as Freiza having "mental deficiency" or that my points "lack knowledge" are not funny, and if you think they are then I think you have a very sick sence of humor. Maybe even a mental deficiency yourself. You only make these types of points to discredit my arguement, and this is the type of posts that get people Frieza in a frits. Arguements are not one sided, I hope you understand that.

I never said to respect Freiza, I only said it's not entirely his fault. Freiza, and those who debated with him, resulting in his ban, should all learn to respect each others opinions. There is not correcting opinions, you may disagree, but who the heck is anyone here to tell someone that they are wrong? The game isn't out yet, no one knows exactly the outcome of the game. If they did, they would make a fortune in stocks, and I'd like to know how they could fortell the future.

Anyway it is a public forum, so do as you like, I've made my comment, and supported it. Any further debate is meaningless.

P.S. Your right, it's not grade school, but u shure doo spel leik it is.

You are right one thing, it is meaningless.  But even meaningless discussions should be expected to include intelligent thoughts cause any fool has an opinion, don't you prefer there to be intelligent opinons/guesstimates. 

p.s. debating with you sure is like grade shcool, all the paragraphs you post have little logic and little intelligent counter argument to anything.  You never actually make a rebuttal you just go of in a differant direction or cry wolf. 

Just because you disagree with Freiza's opinion, doesn't mean it's ungrounded. Just because in our debate, your unhappy with the result, doesn't mean you should resort to insult. It's these rude comments that ruin the forums..

P.S. guesstimates isn't even a word...

let it go michael, he really doesn't see how both 6 million and 15 million are unrealistic, so be it we know it won't be anywhere near 15 million, closer to 6 million though lol

1 -  a GT DEMO sold 5 million. 6m for the FIRST FULL GT release of a gen is beyond  "Special"

2 - the average sales of GT are 11.4m in case you don't know that puts 15m mathematically closer then 6M, no opinion no bias just math and facts.  

3. -  the highest selling GT is 14.7, just shy of my 15m while lowest selling one is 9.39 quite far from 6m.  So history shows Gt is capable of selling 15m, while showing a low 6m is higly unlikely.  


I see a even a little bit of intelligence is to much to ask for. 

1. A Halo EXPANSION PACK sold 6 million.

2. The average is boosted because of GT3 which sold 14.7 million copies only because it was bundled notice the 7 million US sales for GT3 compared to less than 3 million for GT4.

3. And again GT3 only sold that much because of bundles had it not been bundled like GT4, it would have sold less than 12 million.