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And just to add, in another thread i predicted about 6.9 million copies lifetime, of which a guy who predicted 15.7 million copies thought MY prediction was funny.

He thinks itll sell 6.9 million copies by the end of the year (7 weeks). But that has no chance at all of happening, why would people even think that.

Now clearly everbody knows GTA4 and MW2 were vastly more anticipated games than GT5 but just going by the PS3 version that game hasnt sold 6.9 million after 128 weeks. It took Modern Warfare 2 14 weeks, so why on earth would anybody think a game that isnt half as anticipated as MW2 would sell twice as fast?

People are seriously overating this series. Need for Speed Underground 2 sold 9.7 million copies itself i know it was multi platform but its not that far off what GT4 did. I think alot of it comes down to people are in awe of GT3's sales and dont realise the game was bundled thats why they think GT5 is gonna pull something similar. When at least people should be placing numbers around GT4s level.