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As many have already poined out the Wiimote and Nunchuck setup is very comforable to hold.  You just rest your arms on your knees or lap and slight twitches of the wrist are all you need for FPS gameplay.  Metroid Prime 3 and The Conduit are great examples of proper Wiimote control in an FPS.

Someone mentioned the turning speed being too slow... ramp it up in the options menu.  You can reduce your bounding box and then increase the rate of turn in most of the recent FPS releases on the Wii.  Redsteel 2 might be the best example of using Motion and IR in a game.  I loved that game and it really was unlike playing anything else on the market.  That experience could have only been realized with motion controls.  It felt great to really get into it physically (if you wanted to) and wail on an enemy that was giving you a good battle.  A multiplayer component would have been a blast.  Especially with split screen.  I can imagine pulling off special moves against a buddy only to have him counter with a parry or block.  Too bad people were too leery of giving it a shot, so we'll probably never get to try that. )-:

"Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Others, that you can't fight. They all say that, until they're out there."