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"""the 360 version may indeed not sell more, but the possibility of one will be more than enough to hinder any success the PS3 version could achieve. """

==> untrue
since it will be delayed by 1 year ...
the 1 year exclusivity is like a total exclusivity
if someone really want to play MGS4 he will not wait 1 year !

"""Even an acclaimed game like Bioshock was limited in its sales by its approach towards the FPS genre, it simply didn't appeal to as many as a game like Halo did..

==> the FPS style is a part of the gameplay
it is not a total SWITCH to 100% FPS style gameplay
and MGS4 story will not suffer from this

"""No matter how good MGS4 is don't think a franchise which barely sold a million with it last installment (MGS3) can break records with the fourth"""

==> you can also compare it to MGS2, the first MGS of the PS2 since MGS4 is the first MGS of the PS3

Time to Work !