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krik said: ROFL.

Why will 360 users stop crying and posting rumors about MGS4 and FFXIII being PS3's exclusives? Do you see PS3 users crying about Halo or Gears of War? Of course not.
So, all 360 users have 2 options: live without those games or buy a PS3 and play the most anticipated games for 2008: MGS4, FFXIII, GoW 3, LBP and KZ2. $399 is actually a small price to pay to play all those games ;)

 let's see, $400 for a PS3, $60 for each of the games you mentioned ($60 * 5) = $300, so a total of $700. Heck yeah, I think $399 is a small price to pay to play all those games ;)  You'll sell all that for $399?  Just joking with ya.