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thats what they are... Overrated , i've tried giving too much chance to the high rated games, but i always end up disappointed in some way or the other, and before anyone tells me my expectations are too high , then no you are wrong, other than FFXIII and GTA IV no game on this list i had high expectations for , and thats because i avoid the reviews of the games and only notice them after i get the game so lets start making fanboys cry.

(and i will only talk about this gen not anything else)

Also i like to point out that even though i said the following , i still had fun with these games believe it or not, but even though i had fun, they're largely overrated , and overrated doesn't mean they're NOT FUN

Uncharted 1/2

why is this game the highest rated game of all time? , its true that the graphics are all nice and colorful and the animations are good, but other than that, the whole game is just like blockbuster movie, the first time you play it its nice, but then you realize that its just not "interesting" enough, nathan drake's oneliners are your typical american one liners, the storyline is your typical Indiana Jones , "treasure gives magic then magic goes wrong on bad guy" storyline, and the "Platforming" sections are really REALLY linear that you feel the game is playing itself for you just to reach the other shooting section.

Gears Of War 1/2

Seriously why is everyone so wetting their pants about this game? , the game is very generic, the characters control like tanks, the storyline is forgetable and lame, the characters are stereotypical and stupid, and did i mention the online never works?

Super Mario Galaxy

how is this game better than NSMBW is beyond me, the camera controls are annoying , the motion controls are annoying, the crystals shards (forgot what their name are) mechanics are the worst idea since the water gun in Sunshine, the game would be a lot more fun without the motion controls, and the stupid camera that focuses on the places that you actually DONT want to go to, btw i haven't played SMG2 , but i am not sure i want to really

Resistance 1/2

Generic Storyline, generic setting, EXTREMELY generic character , generic bosses , generic level design, the game should be called "Resistance to being interesting"

Call of Duty MW / MW2 / WaW / BO

ahh Call of Duty, the reason why every game these days become barely interesting, everything in this game is borrowed from Saving Private Ryan and those other movies where killing non american people is glorified while killing american is a tragedy that can't be forgotten, anyways , the game is insanely generic , the storyline doesn't make any sense, there is no characters, the shooting mechanics are very noob friendly it hurts, the "high budget action" thing is a tired formula.

Fallout 3 / New Vegas

boring setting, Glitchy ....everything , storyline that is as interesting as toilet papers, but most of all, how stupid the AI is and how everything feels lifeless and uninteresting  ,and how people feel like robots that only there for you to shoot them , did i mention the game becomes super easy in a blink of an eye?


Stupid , Crap, Boring, Meaninless, a huge step down from the other games, a huge disappointment, and a massively overrated piece of shit of a game.


oh how much i've waited for this game, i've waited so much that i've played all the other games in the series including the spin offs and watched every anime and read every book, and in the end, the storyline is as interesting as a fanfic from a group of cosplayers, and the gameplay is very linear that i just can't get myself to ever want to play it again, and ontop of that there is no towns! , no memorable moments, no nothing, it made me from a huge... HUGE final fantasy fan (seriously this series used to be a huge part of my life) , to a "meh" "whatever!" person <--- see i am still Squall-ish

Red Dead Redemption

Combine Fallout 3 with GTA IV and some lame Cooooowwwwwwwboyyy YEHAH! characters and you will get this game, its..... a huge game with little interesting missions and retardedly retarded effed up characters that is for some reason rockstar think its funny to have too much mentally retarded characters.

Assassins Creed 1/2

The first one is a disgrace to all games, its boring dumb and painfully repetitive, i didn't enjoy it one bit.

the second game however i did enjoy but its terribly easy , i mean REAL easy , you can finish the game with just your hidden blade, the storyline is a bit of a step up but the million of times the game shifts into a retarded "Hawt" scene or a retarded "Badazzzzzzzzzzz" scene makes the storyline pathetic.

Crysis (is this considered this gen?)

Boring, uninteresting, only useful in screenshots, the game is amazingly repetitive, the storyline is very shallow.

Killzone 2

Stuff explodes everywhere there is no point of you doing what you are doing, its just a bunch of retards wanting to kill their enemies for no apparent reason , and stereotypical tough guys with loud mouths, and the main reason why this game is on this list is your very favorite RICO




by now i am sure i forgot about some games, because you can't blame me, they're very forgetable , but really Overrated games are overrated, and underrated games are always much more fun , but for some reason people do seem to like generic shit these days.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.