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huaxiong90 said:
jarrod said:
huaxiong90 said:

Would you honestly be happy if Gears of War went multiplat?

Gears is different, as Microsoft has a direct hand in the game.  It'd be more like if Portal 2 went multi (hey, wait...).

They have a hand, no doubt, but overall, the IP is Epic's. I'm just giving a theory, not really trying to get technical and all.

Though Portal 2 is a bad example, as not only is it a PC centric game, but the Source engine is hardly known to push hardware (these days, that is).

Well, Gears going multi is more like if Heavenly Rain went multi.  The hardware maker is so involved with the game, at every step (development, funding, marketing, publishing, media, etc) that they might as well be 1st party games, despite who actually owns the IP.  Hell, Microsoft actually has staff who are dedicated just to Gears of War and Shadow Complex coordination.  It's a terrible comparison.