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Kasz216 said:

Except... it is illegal... in the UK, Spain and France. I know you don't understand french or spanish so maybe you should try to google "pre owned pc games UK" and take a look. You can find a lot of stores which sell those used games. I guess they would not be doing that if it was illegal, right?

Read a lot of EULA's that state that by agreeing you agree to seek any claims for things like not being aloud to resale in your home country, and often in Germany, France, or the UK or whatever country the publisher is from.

Your location said the UK... where it is illegal.  Afterwords I said it was likely you were mistaken... because again, it was likely... since in most of europe it is illegal. 

That really is all there is to say.   Your angry because people are not going out of their way for a very small percentage of the software buying public.

That's not really a reasonable reason to be angry. 

If you've really got a problem with it, you should try and start a lawsuit saying that Steam infringes your right to resale, and see where it gets you.

If your lucky, they may deintegrate just for your area and the few like it. (though probably replace it with CD drive destroying starforce.)

If your unlucky, you may win... and they'll just stop providing games.

It's got nothing to do with "not being from America".

It's about "Not being from a big enough consumer base."

If my local state said "All videogames must not have DRMs"  I wouldn't really bitch and complain about steam... because it's just my state.  Can't expect a big company to go out of their way for such a small percentage of the consumer base. (Ohio for example is like twice the size of Finland, and actually consumer base size for games is even larger.)

It's clear your just unreasonably mad, unwilling to look at it rationally and going out of your way to flame other peoples nationalties... so really. 

I'm done.  Maybe when you calm down you'll understand my point, but this is my last post.

Except it is not illegal in UK, Spain or France. In fact it is not illegal anywhere in EU.

EULA=/=law. If EULA contradicts the law (which it does in EU), it is void. Even if it did not contradict the law, it would be good only if it was 1) in the persons native language 2) agreed on before the purchase. You could read those links I posted. The ones in german.

EU, Russia and Japan are a much bigger "consumer base" than USA. Not a "small percentage".

Yes, I have a problem with that I can't sell my steam games. No, I am not going to make a lawsuit about it. For those games bought on retail and which force you to install steam: There is no need to make a case, it has been made clear by few court verdicts that consumer has the right to sell their used games.

I am not mad about those things, what annoys me is your attitude. You come and claim your superior knowledge against someone who actually might know how it is here. Call him a criminal and uninformed.