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Chairman-Mao said:

I agree. Nintendo needs another great idea or all the casuals will see no reason to upgrade to the next Wii.

Its the hardcore PS3/360 guys who will buy a new console even if its just a minor upgrade.

I don't see any reason to believe that (so-called) casual gamers would be any less willing to upgrade their hardware than a (so-called) hardcore console gamer ...

First off, the gamers who are most likely to upgrade their hardware without question are PC gamers; and I see little reason to assume that any console gamer is more likely than any other to upgrade. Ask yourself why the "Frat-Boy" gamer who owns a handful of games for their XBox 360 and rarely plays it is more likely to upgrade their system than a woman who buys a new game for their Wii every month and plays their Wii regularly.

Beyond that, with how many non-geeks buy new iPods and iPhones without any consideration of meaningful enhancements what makes you think that these people really care whether something is a major improvement when it is a cool product to own?