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Killiana1a said:

II. Complete, Entire, Utter Underestimation of Online Gaming

Nintendo is stuck in the 1980s and 1990s when it comes to multiplayer. They think putting out a console so that the whole family can play is multiplayer. Sorry, but the younger and current gamers who buy games year round besides the Holidays conceptualize multiplayer as sitting alone in their room with their headset on and connecting with their friends via Xbox Live or PSN.

Is it no wonder that Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops have had the best opening 1st week sales ever in the history of gaming? No, if you consider that the majority of video gamers conceptualize multiplayer as an activity performed online, not in their living room.

And ms and sony have a complete, entire, utter underestimation of local offline co-op. It will be easy for nintendo to step up its online experience(hell all they have to do is have one), what are MS and Sony going to do to local split screen? The wii is a blast with some friends over, all we can really do on the 360/ps3 is split screen fps (and even than only 2 people sometimes)