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ooo getting into the industry is tough, since basically heaps of people are leaning, there is limited placement, its much harder then what it really is and to top it off the industry is hurting and heaps of studios are shutting down. But wait there is one way to pre sue your dreams. 

Step one: Games production has a heap of different fields, there is no overall job title. So you have programming, designing(hardest one), graphics and sound. Pick one and focus only on that. 

Step two: Self teaching; school cost too much and not enough time. Well you can teach yourself. its a easy option if you are a good learner by yourself and you have patients and determination. the internet provides and huge supply of information to learn about.

Step three: once you have been building up your skills. Search around for a few guys who have similar skills, get together and start making games. this is the best direction: garage games development. bunch of guys in your free time and make an game. An small game and if you pull it off you could make a great PSN, XBLM, Steam or and free ware game. and who knows you could get somewhere.

Step 3 could never happen and the determination and commitment of the team would be an challenging and there are chances of never finishing or getting no where. 

If you are artistic start making level or characters designs and build a portfolio. And here is an tip search up the developers in your area and find out the games they make and do art for them. for example see there recent game or look at a game they are developing and do the art for them. Same for sound and then send it in as an resume and see if they would take you. who knows you might get somewhere 

Another way is if you have an great passion (as op you do) and good communication and English skills, search around at your local devolopers and try and get an Quality assurance testing. Now testing games isn't as fun and awesome as it sounds as you could be testing pony's adventure all day 5 days a week. But if you score a job, at the same time start self teaching your self, gain tips from the workers and start learning one of the tools. You would earn experience and experience is gold. 

really its all about determination. 

As for journalism. there are alot of sites and reviewers. if you are to break in you have to do something different. look at Zero Punctuation: one guy who rants for 5 minutes with simple animations is not only a great show but is different and mighty popular. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong