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The Wii has already proven to be the best at FPS game controls on consoles (MP3 and MOH2 to prove it). Playing an FPS with dual analog controls is pathetic in comparison. Now, in terms of "the wii isn't powerful enough" argument, sure, perhaps the Wii doesn't have quite the horsepower for some of the most cutting edge graphics engines. But, take games like Unreal Tournament 2004.. The wii can definately pull off all of the detail and physics of that game, which isn't shabby at all, and combined with the Wii's superior FPS controls could make for a very nice version of that game (or games along those lines). There have been FPS games for many many years that were running just fine on hardware inferior to the Wii's current offerings. So, there certainly should be more than enough opportunity for a game developer to game complex FPS's with the added benefit of Wii controls. (I'd love to see UT2004's onslaught game mode on the Wii. The vehicle controls would be a sweet combination with Wii control schemes)