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Dude we're kind of in the same boat. I did have a girlfriend once long ago though. But honestly I'm pretty much a recluse who pretty much spends his free time in front of a computer or a gaming system. In order to even have a chance in hell of having a girlfriend that I'm attracted to (this is key. After all, if a chick is cool to hang out with but I'm not attracted, we might as well just be friends and enjoy each other's company without having to complicate things) I would have to "level up" my social skills attributes considerably. Something that I've had real trouble finding the motivation to do. It takes a lot of work. A lot of work that I don't want to go through. I've compromised on this a bit lately with the reasoning that I should put in the effort to socally interact more often and take it easy with the computer and videogame stuff because improving my social skills is financially worthwhile (moar social skills = better chance of making a good first impression to employers = better chance of getting hired and getting promotions.)

And to be honest, I find the type of grinding you do in videogames to be a lot more fun than the type of grinding required in real life to get a girlfriend. I feel like it's way too much work for me to try to get a girlfriend. The way I see it, if I was really that lonely and I really "needed" a girlfriend, don't you think I would be motivated enough by now to actually go out there and get a girlfriend? I find personally that life as a recluse (do your typical daily routine, go to work, come home and just relax in front of a computer or with a videogame) is very comfortable. So comfortable that it's difficult for me to sacrifice my comfort at the chance of finding this thing they call "love" (and the more I think about it, the more shallow this "love" thing seems to be. Love is mostly about wanting to be around someone that makes you feel good (narcissism) and sex. You don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to feel good. My laptop, high speed internet connection and my game systems make me feel good. It's instant gratification compared to going through all the bullshit hoops to get a girlfriend. The praise I get from my boss and my co-workers makes me feel good. And you certaintly don't need sex (It's only needed to prevent extinction. But with there being so much immigration to North America, we don't have to worry about that anytime soon anyway). After I attend to my "business", I'm good for a few days.)