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Killiana1a said:
adsl said:


“We were the disruptors twenty years ago and now we are so again."

 Reggie Fils-Aime concluding Nintendo’s 2006 E3 Press Conference.

Nintendo already created a blue ocean in console market two times. Now they have to create another one in order to win the next. The problem is: how can they do that? Well, I have no idea. 

You are already seeing it with the 3DS. I know we get busy and don't re-read up on the history of commentators, but I was arguing a few months back that the glassless 3D experience on the 3DS is mainly aimed at hurting Sony's 3D tv and gaming business. Expectations will change once the 3DS comes out.

A father will be looking for a new tv after buying his son or daughter a 3DS and after seeing Nintendo do glassless 3D on the 3DS, then why would he plunk down over $3000 for a Sony 3D televison that requires 2 pairs of 3D glasses at $100 a piece?

These expectations are what Nintendo is hoping to create with the 3DS.

Furthermore, Nintendo may take the technology from the 3DS and try to do it with their next console, thus finding a new blue ocean of potential gamers who want to experience a 3D glassless, console gaming experience. Then again, can a console enable a standard television to pump out 3D without the television itself having 3D capabilities? This is the big question.

I could be wrong and Malstrom could be exactly right in that the 3DS is going the route of the N64 in being a lazy system catering to the "core" that offers the 3D trick as the main purchasing point instead of a solid experience focusing on the games.

I'm not sure if the 3DS wil be a mega hit, it is too focused on hardware improvements. However according to Malstrom, a new generation is defined by software (not by hardware). And this is why he says that the PS3 and the Xbox 360 are "last gen" consoles while the Wii is the true "next gen" console in the market (which I mostly agree with). So in my opinion the 3D will win the next handled gen but will be hard to beat the DS sales.