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Hrm... looking at historical trends, I do think the Wii's successor will win next gen for home consoles. Since the beginning, the leading company changes every 2 generations. (Pong & Atari 2600, NES & SNES, PS1 & PS2, Wii & ??) And I do think there's a reason for this. The second successful system from a company has them sitting on their laurels. Somebody else notices this, and strikes into the weakness to disrupt them, almost taking the prior leader into near obscurity. (NES brought quality control, PS1 got disk media accepted, and Wii changed the gameplay.) Nintendo has seen what they've done with the Wii, and I think are actively working on how to keep their success going. Meanwhile, Sony and MS are looking at emulating the Wii's success, but by the time they start taking off, Nintendo's on to their next market.

Now, if you ask me about 2 gens out, I could see Nintendo not winning. But I'd like more info on the next gen, first...


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...