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Khuutra said:
Squilliam said:

An unstated premise on the article is that one of the two would be the likely number 1 console manufacturer for the next generation which is why they have to be included. However im not doing about the prisoners dillema just a variation of one. The exact details of the interaction are unknowable and so are the rules. I like it because it fits into the picture the idea that not only must Nintendo be toppled but another console manufacturer has to take its place. It still leaves multiple possibilities like for instance with this generation Sony was sabotaged by Microsoft but Nintendo went unopposed with their focused innovation. Also it leaves open the possibility of getting it right but for the wrong reasons.

If that is the case then it is a very workable analogy. I admit I did the dart thing to emphasize blindness and the many things of which it's impossible to be aware.

Well stepping back it is a complex system. Economists are lazy, they would probably stick a graph with a few lines and call it a day. It deserves multiple different good analogies just for the fun of it!

Its a very complex interaction many which are unquantifiable with the data at hand and many others which we cannot set any value to their qualitative importance either. It is like throwing 300 species of animals into a virgin environment and then using the information on which species flourished to try to pre-determine how the same 300 species would fare relative to each other. Even in limiting the scope to just 3 species of interest in that mix is difficult enough. For instance the large reptile might eat the large mammal but the small mammal might eat the reptiles eggs.
