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Khuutra said:

You are walking blindfolded into a room of darkness, where no lights have ever been hung. The door is sealed behind you and the cracks filled with beeswax, so darkness is preserved. You are alone in the room, just you, the single dart in your hand, and the dart board. Only you don't know where the dart board is - it was affixed millenia ago by a blind artisan with a very loose interpretation of the game of darts. It could be on the floor, or the ceiling, or on the door. It could be the size of half the room, or it could be the size of the eye of a needle. You don't know. All you know is that it exists. More, you have to throw the dart and try to hit it.

With these odds against you, you give yourself a 50% chance of success.

This is a ridiculous notion.

Thats a cool analogy. Are you wishing to become a writer?

Anyway in all fairness I have to propose a better one.

Its a three way prisoners dillemma. You have to predict the actions of not two but three parties but you lack information on what exactly each party has been offered by the police constable and it isn't clear what the goals of each party is to begin with. Furthermore the only information you have on the prisoners isn't up to date with the past two years and what they did in that time. So whilst it is possible to get it right theres too little information and a complex interplay to consider.
