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Now I know your intentions are good and that you're giving pointers to Nint, but I believe these are flawed

I. Overfishing of the Blue Ocean

Exactly cause all these blue ocean clients will want to go elsewhere, rather than return to Nintendo that understood what they wanted from the get go.

II. Complete, Entire, Utter Underestimation of Online Gaming

and Mario Kart begs to differ, it's one of the most played online games and is also a better seller than MW2... but sure.... In any case, Nintendo may have been under par with the online on wii, but seeing as they even went as far as offering demos now, you can pretty much assume that their next console will have a better online. If you can assume MS and Sony will perfectly target the blue ocean, why couldn't Nintendo perfectly handle online??

III. Lack of Top Notch Western 3rd Party Support

western devs care mostly about graphics.... so yeah lack of support indeed, they made spinoff of HD series that failed and wondered why... they don't even target the correct audience.

Definitely not lack of sales though, the ones that put decent and well targeted efforts on the wii have seen the rewards of it.

IV. Overreliance on an Unreliable Gaming Market

we're on a freken sales site...

Pos Console Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
3 Microsoft Xbox 360 (X360) 11.09 5.96 7.72 9.59
9 Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) 9.15 4.54 6.67 7.34
10 Nintendo Wii (Wii) 8.79 4.65 6.36 7.25

OH NOES it sales just as much software as the PS3.... booh bohhh bohhh /cries

V. Overreliance on Milked Out Memes

So... DK is not core cause it'll sell a lot? I don't get you point really cause MW2 sells a lot yet you consider it core... just saying.

And if people buy their 40th mario game, there's definitely a reason behind it.

VI. Conclusion

Why would nintendo study


Americas Japan EMEAA Worldwide
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) 1.49 0.12 1.71 3.32
God of War III (PS3) 1.92 0.11 1.05 3.08
Fallout 3 (PS3) 1.25 0.07 1.02 2.34


when their franchises appeal to much more of their audience? these games don't even appeal to 10% of the PS3 audience (No sony game does, this may change with GT but still currently they aer all under 10%)... heck the top 7 selling PS3 games are 3rd party, and besides MSG are not exclusive! At least Halo and gears save the day on the 360, but not by much. Nintendo, however has quite a few 1st party titles way above 15% tie ratio. (even without counting Wii sports... which had about a 50% tie ratio in the countries it wasn't bundled with the wii).


"Time to step your game up Nintendo because this upcoming generation will see the Blue Ocean painted with many shades of red."


conveniently, the new Wii is indeed red!! if that isn't foresight I don't know what it is!!