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Well I don't know who will be #1 next gen but Nintendo can do it if they do a few things. 1. Upgrade in tech to have a console at least more powerful then the 360 and PS3. Its time for HD and its time for a big graphical update. 2. Upgrade their online service to be at least comparible to PSN even though LIVE should be what they shoot for. 3. Obviously keep their exclusives coming. An HD Zelda, Mario, Metroid would be unbelievable. 4. Improve 3rd party support. Nintendo is missing out on tons of the huge games this gen and even though its not affecting them this gen because of the casual support it will next gen because the casuals who bought Wii will not be upgrading to a new console. If Nintendo does these things then PS4 and "720" could be in trouble, but I predict it will be alot closer than this gen. Its anyone's game.