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Killiana1a said:

Alrighty then! Lets get to it:

I. Overfishing of the Blue Ocean

Nintendo with the Wii hit an absolute diamond mine by tapping into the "Blue Ocean" of non-gamers,

II. Complete, Entire, Utter Underestimation of Online Gaming

Nintendo is stuck in the 1980s and 1990s when it comes to multiplayer. They think putting out a console so that the whole family can play is multiplayer.

III. Lack of Top Notch Western 3rd Party Support

Sega, Capcom, Atlus and other Japanese developers putting out the vast majority of Wii 3rd party games. As Ben Stein used to say in Visine commercials, "Wow...." Really, if Nintendo wants to put the hurt, at this moment they should be knee deep in contractual talks with EA and Activision on how to bring their top notch multiplatform titles to the next generation.

IV. Overreliance on an Unreliable Gaming Market

For the same reasons many, including Sean Malstrom, praise Nintendo for the Blue Ocean business strategy, I raise just as many questions:

1. How many games do these Blue Ocean gamers buy per year? Year round game purchasing? Only during the holidays?

2. Are these Blue Ocean gamers one to three game players like the soccer mom who is a hardcore Tetris player?

3. How likely are Blue Ocean gamers to lapse and leave the market?

4. Do these Blue Ocean gamers buy new games besides just sequels to Wii Play or a new Super Mario Bros. game?

V. Overreliance on Milked Out Memes

Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Donkey Kong are what Nintendo considers "core." Looking at Other M's sales, one can rightfully say Nintendo does not know what the "core" is. Metroid is about as "core" for a Nintendo franchise as you can get. From the first Metroid in the 1980s, Metroid was always the lowest selling "core" franchise in comparison to Mario and Zelda meaning it appealed to a very specific, niche of gamers who were crazy for Metroid:

Finally, Nintendo for these holidays is re-releasing Super Mario Bros. All-stars for the Wii. Shouldn't these games have been on the Wii online service since day 1 for $5/game? Just another way Nintendo is milking out their beloved memes and I have not heard one complaint from a Nintendo fan over this. All I hear is well, it is great!

VI. Conclusion

I am predicting Nintendo will not be #1 in hardware sales next generation and if I am wrong then laugh at me all you want, but I will admit I am wrong and will have the heart to stay. Nintendo no longer has free reign over a neglected mass market of potential gamers, their concept of multiplayer is antiquated to say the least, since the SNES Nintendo has lacked any and all quality Western 3rd party support, and Nintendo's reliance on a new Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game every two years to please what they think of as the "core" has been completely shattered with the consumer's reception of Metroid: Other M.

What Nintendo needs to do is to study why Uncharted, God of War, the Call of Duty series, Halo,  the Grand Theft Auto series starting from GTA 3, and recently the Fallout series starting from FO3 have become what many consider "core' when asked, "What is the first video game title or video game series that comes to mind when you hear the word "core" or "hardcore"?" Looking at Nintendo's library in comparison to Sony and Microsoft's software library, it is front and center that Nintendo is more family friendly and family oriented in their software. Well, your 25 to 30 year old gamer who grew up on Super Mario Bros. 3 and a  Link to the Past just isn't into the 20th iteration of Mario or Zelda anymore. We have aged, experienced more games, and have come to appreciate games and game franchises that are, in many ways, antithetical to Mario and Zelda. We want a new, mature IP that is as epic as Mario and Zelda once were during our impressionable years as teens and Nintendo has not delivered for a long time.

Time to step your game up Nintendo because this upcoming generation will see the Blue Ocean painted with many shades of red.

1. Actually they failed to hit the entirety of the Blue Ocean or you could say that other competitors got there first. Probably their biggest and best examples of the untapped by Nintendo blue ocean out there is Apple and Facebook. Facebook gaming on a whole is significantly more popular than the Wii, Farmville is more popular than the Wii. Both appear on utility hardware which is PC or iOS based devices and both devices are multiuse.  I've said it before but the best way to tap into a non gamer market is to give the non gamer some good non gaming uses for the device first to go along with the gaming uses. You can't sell them a game if you can't sell them the hardware so given the popularity of Farmville and iOS devices I say open things up and throw in a utility browser where people can add functionality. Since these cannot be anticipated, open the console up to the majority of comers.

2. I totally agree. More than half of couples don't have children and the number of people per household has been going down for a while now. I believe it is under 2.0 per household on average or very similar. By the time people have their own console at home they sometimes play, the value of playing it at someone elses house and the novelty of such will go down. Multiplayer is becoming more and more accepted and developers are making more of this online mode.

3. Obviously its something to do with both the controller capabilities and the consoles capabilities. It isn't that they didn't try to make Wii games. It is just that most Wii games they tried to make were complete failures and a lot of the games that came out didn't earn enough money to warrant continued experimentation.

4. You know a movie like Avatar? Titanic? Star Wars? Ben Hur? Gone with the Wind? What is the connection here? Well the former movies tap into blue ocean movie audiences. Nintendo are skilled in attracting them time and again, something which only James Cameron has done in a repeatable fashion.

A.) It depends on the player but it also depends on what is released. It takes a lot better product to get one of these people interested in purchasing a game. Probably they aren't quite as picky around Christmas since they might be actively looking to purchase a game.

B.) More like a hardcore Farmville player nowadays. But yes, Nintendo has to compete against games like Farmville especially for the attention of these people. One could say the rise of Farmville may have dented Wii software sales by a noticeable degree. Microsoft/Sony don't have to try as hard because their gamers actively seek out the games.

C.) Unlikely. Most will continue to play games in some form whether it be a Facebook game, Farmville, Solitaire or something on an iOS device. They will just lapse in interest from playing more complicated games like what Nintendo offers by comparison.

D.) Probably not significantly. The Xbox 360 has a more core audience which is why the spread between the top quartile game and the bottom quartile game isn't as significant as the Wii. This is because of the people who buy 5-10 games per year and sometimes even more tend to be more on these systems. When you buy 5-10 games you cannot be picky and choose only Call of Duty, Fifa and Halo as your 3 games for the year. That means the more niche games get a leg up. The Wii doesn't so the game buying gets clustered around the 1-5 best or most popular releases in the year.

Probably even better as an explanation would be music. Im a very casual listener of music I listen to classic hits on the radio and I haven't bought a song in years. However some people are the opposite, they buy albums/singles in large numbers and they attend concerts and from these people musicians arise to make the music. Without the core/hardcore music listener the variety and health of the music industry would be severely reduced.

5. If they are still selling they haven't been milked out. Arguably the most popular movie of last year was Pocahontis in space. Most people don't care if they've seen the characters before or the plot so long as the way it comes together is still relevant and enjoyable.

6. Nintendo makes the games that noone else likes to make and makes a mint off it. Their failing was in not getting the games they didn't like to make on their system too. If they can rectify that mistake whilst continuing to pursue untapped markets with their own software they can make a killing. The reason why Sony's 'high quality' games don't sell nearly as well as Nintendos is the former has to compete with a huge range of other core software. If things were reversed and third parties made Nintendo style games, Sony would be the one selling 10M or more with Uncharted 2 etc and the tone of what you are writing and the content would be significantly different.

So long as Nintendo rectifies their weaknesses and maintains their strengths then they can maintain their position. If they can figure out a control scheme which is core and uncore friendly whilst perhaps learning the lessons of Farmville and iOS from Apple then they can surely maintain their position as number 1 because they have a significant strength that noone else has, they have the ability and desire to craft games for the most uninterested and difficult customers in the industry.
