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*Sound Of Rain said:
CGI-Quality said:
*Sound Of Rain said:

Again, I don't mind harsh criticism go at it all you want...your just making an excuse anyway because you don't like me for some reason but thats fine. I am sorry for calling people "fanboys" and I am also sorry that I post my opinion on V.G.C...I am also, allowed to repeat them if I want as people have been repeating the same things with the PS3, Move, 360, and Kinect. Anyway we will just agree to disagree sound fair? I didn't even get to say what I think about the sales so I guess I will wait until the W.W charts like I wanted to in the 1st place you and the other person jumped me before I even posted Lol.

Don't dislike you, I just don't agree with you, which isn't a big deal. But that's how I know you take this stuff too serious, you can't take someone disagreeing and you always think people "jump" on you.

How can I prove to you that these sales are not serious to me? I don't mind it when people disagree with me and obviously I was kidding when I said you jumped me...I didn't care about the sales I cared more that you sad I take it to serious which I have been telling you all day that I don't. 

Please Explain how I messed up:

Me: "PS3 doesn't even have Others anymore...I will wait until Worldwide #'s to state what I think about this week...and I will be nice about it...for now."

You: "Here we While it is good to see the Wii pulling back up, the PS3 is as healthy as can be. That's really where it's at."

Me: "I was going to wait until the W.W #'s came in but if you want we can have this discussion now Lol..."

Jordahn: "You're just afraid to express your giddiness over Wii sales when it's still probable that the PS3 might outsell it worldwide.  There."

Me: " think that the PS3 still has a chance to outsell the Wii Worldwide this week?"

Jordahn: "At least you do.  Otherwise you wouldn't have been so reserved to express you feelings on these sales."

Me: "Ha Lol...not at all I just don't want to be rude to the PS3 fans but I have been getting on a lot of PS3 fans nerves lately because I have always said that it won't last and Wii would be #1 Worldwide this Holiday. I have been saying that Holiday 2010 would be Wii>360>PS3 W.W and I even went farther and said that Wii and 360 would dominate PS3 this Holiday. I honestly didn't even expect Wii to outsell PS3 in Others this fast I expected PS3 to stay #1 in Others for a good amount of time. Why are you against me? What did I do LOl?"
You: "You've just come in each week claiming the "rain" (pun intended) of dominance was over for PS3 in just a few weeks. He's right in the sense that you're showing almost a fear of PS3 topping the Wii continuosly. I agree with you, Wii will probably beat the PS3 this week (though I don't think it'll beat the 360). But you have had this agenda for over a month now."
Now please tell me where I went wrong for future reference.


Dude, go play a video games or something.  At least in the realm of fantasy you can accomplish something and your virtual friends actually care.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.