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Hus said:
Demotruk said:
Hus said:
Demotruk said:
Smashed said:
That's the most delusional written comment i've seen in my entire life on this forum.


Kinect should significantly push systems for the next few weeks at a minimum. GT5 will get a one week boost and be glad of it.


see for kinetic to actually push anything, it would need a little thing called lick ass games.  A 150 add on wont do anything with out some really good games pushing IT. 

Ok, so before Americas numbers come in, you expect to see X360 have WoW growth in line with the season and other consoles?

well put some numbers up, will 360 sales % increase be double or triple of Wii PS3 ? give or take 5/10% is meningless in my eyes. 

i expect it wont be much differant then the other two. 

I expect it'll have at least 40% WoW growth, and be at least 50% above PS3. Then it should maintain at least some boost for a few weeks. On the other hand if you're right WoW growth should be comparable for the two. We'll see quite soon.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.