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Hyruken said:
Demotruk said:
Hyruken said:

There is no way he would comment if the numbers were lower. It would be like saying "Haha you don't know what your talking about! We didn't sell 10 units we sold 3! haha jokes on you!" etc. That would obviously be pretty stupid.

If Kinect had sold less they would ignore it. They would want to keep it under-wraps.

The fact of the matter is this site is a lot of guess work, it isn't supposed to be 100% accurate. He will obviously have access to the numbers for it. I doubt very much he would decide to bitch about the site if you were right.

That would not be stupid, it depends on the goal. If the intention is to make it seem like Kinect is selling really well in an attempt to keep the hype up, then it would be expected.

But we have comments from analysts and stores to say it is going better then their expectations. Best Buy today even came out and said they don't think they will have any for xmas now as demand has been high.

Having a comment on twitter is not going to add to or take away hype. People really are thinking about this way too deeply.

From a psychological view point his comments indicate numbers are higher then what has been reported. In this instance what VGC has reported. If he himself expected more that is irelivent as he is commenting on VGC numbers. So he is basically saying the 500k is wrong. The question becomes would a guy who has access to a companies sales data which is obviously far more accurate then here bother to comment on an external sales number if it was lower then reported? Having been an analyst for a good 6 years now i struggle to think of another example where a guy comes out laughing at sales reports when the true figures are actually lower?

Isnt greenburg PR? Dont PR people NEED to control all info on their terms? If VGChartz is independant and people get wind and begin using it its probably not good for PR.

I dont think its tin foil hat territory to see whats happening, If Greenburg wasnt threatened and didnt think it was an issue he wouldnt have commented and lead all people who find his tweet to this site. Its fairly obvious to me, if we are off and irrelavent then he wouldnt have commented, no? If we are off and low he would have said that the numbers are much higher and look for a PR soon. Instead he took a douche way to attempt to marginalize the website without actually giving us anything, so hes not "lying" if numbers come out in a month less than what Brett reported so he canty get in trouble legally but hes successful transmitted the PERCEPTION that VGChartz is a joke and controlled sales number info.