NYANKS on 10 November 2010
M.U.G.E.N said:
Replies to this Tweet
VideoGameInside VGinsider
@aarongreenberg..They have methods of calculating things like this!! Still waiting for FFXIII (360) to outsell FFXIII (PS3) BTW
nosoup_fouru Bob Bolin
@aarongreenberg if we are only going to deal in facts Pachter will be out of work soon
Carl2291 Carl Rushworth
@aarongreenberg Dear Aaron. Do your research before you try troll. http://www.vgchartz.com/methodology.php Thanks!
Cueil Daniel Lawson
@aarongreenberg VGChartz has official sources and unofficial sources... I think they are low balling it on purpose... there isn't much love
therealcliffyb Cliff Bleszinski
@aarongreenberg If you read it on the internet, it must be true.
These are all the comments, sorry for the clutter. Hard to copy from there. these are the responses to Greembergs comment.