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While I agree EA hasn't released any gems recently except for the just release NHL Slapshot and NBA Jam they are hardly alone here.  Right now no one is selling new games in big numbers on Wii - not even Nintendo!  Slapshot and Jam are by my opinion, perfect Wii games that should appeal to Wii owners - except both are over priced, but not so much as to explain the really pathetic sales.  I mean really pathetic.  Rock Band and GH generally rock solid sales on Wii are underperforming.  Fitness titles are down overall.  Sports titles down. Heck Wii and DS sales are down overall and all software with them.   Doesn't help anyone that Wii's now sell with both Wii Sports and Sports Resort which is enough to keep the uber casual crowd now getting them entertained for a looong time.   Metroid, Kirby, Wii Party (except in Japan) all have weak sales.     Goldeneye and DKCR may be the only 'hits' this holiday season - maybe.

So while it's fine to be critical of EA, it's not them alone.   Wii seems to have hit a saturation point and looks like it's lost it's shine.   There's nothing on it that's grabbing people's imagination while we have Move and Kinect on the other systems. We'll have to wait until post holidays to really understand if they have meaningful traction or not, regardless, they are doing something to generate interest with Nintendo's more casual market and Nintendo isn't except for releasing yet another party game (although a good one).