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Wii has still sold more 3rd party software than PS3 though.  The idea that owners of Nintendo systems only buy Nintendo software has been a self-fullfilling prophecy this generation.  Indeed early on there were signs for a very healthy core market (RE4/UC shattering expectations, DQ Swords selling like a PS2 spinoff, COD3 Wii outselling the PS3 version, etc, etc), but through misconception and mismanagement 3rd parties pretty much ensured the Wii market would turn into exactly what they feared it always was; a wasteland for anyone but Nintendo. They did that by treating it like a 3rd wheel, giving it 2nd/3rd tier support, and just generally neglecting it; and now it's audience apathetically treats them the same way.  When Nintendo's literally the only company delivering consistent quality on the platform, is it really that big a surprise when they're the only company reaping a consistent reward?

Nevermind that the idea falls flat when you look at any Nintendo system with great 3rd party support.  There's a reason NES, SNES and DS managed what Wii seemingly can't, and 3rd parties have no one to blame but themselves for that.

Next gen, 3rd parties need to support the market leader, no matter who it is (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft... hell, even Apple).  If they'd just done that this generation, they'd be in a much better position right now...