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d21lewis said:

So there is a guy on my job that we sorta suspected might be gay.  Nothing concrete but there was just a vibe that he gave off that everybody sorta picks up on.  He talks about girls all the time but everybody has a story about "that one time" that makes them suspicious.

Well, about a month ago, I think he took something I said or did the wrong way.  Long story short, I think the guy came on to me!  I was terrified!!  I told a female friend--and she was the only person I told about the whole ordeal.  She promised she wouldn't tell anybody.  I didn't want this guy thinking that I was talking about him behind his back, I didn't want to add fuel to the gay fire, and I didn't want anybody getting into any sort of trouble.  So, when I go to work yesterday, everybody is telling me how they heard about the incident, making jokes about me ("Better protect your cornhole!", one guy said), and making me feel uncomfortable in general.

I don't deal with humiliation very well (outside of the internet--being anonymous has its priviledges!) and the whole thing is really making me not want to go to work. Why did I have to be born so sexy?  It's my blessing.  It's my curse.

---And what the fuck is wrong with this girl telling everybody about my incident like that?  Was it worth making me feel humiliated and having people come up to me, mocking me (I doubt anybody is saying anything to the possible gay guy--who we all think is a little unstable, anyway), and laughing at me?  I'm pissed.  Do the words "I promise" mean nothing anymore?

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Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.