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reaver_x said:
Solid_Snake4RD said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Solid_Snake4RD said

for japanese games to come back to their glory days,PS4 needs to good seller which it will be and the japanese gaming industry will improve next gen.

No. It doesn't matter how PS4 does.

Western audiences aren't gonna give a shit about Japanese games until they get better. Or atleast get at par with western games.

but when the japanese games don't have platform then how will they be better


the 360 went western from the start so japanese games just didn't get their platform


and till the time PS3 came back,the industrywide choice had changed


when this gen started,the western games weren't on par and they improved and people liked them,this is the same with what will be japanese's games case when next gen starts


so japanese games need a platform for them from the sstart and then build on it

actually they already have a platfrom on the DS and PSP this gen.  And considering handhelds are more domiante in japan right now than consoles, i expect them to transition to the 3DS and not a PS4 when that releaeses

we are talking about the console side


yeah DS was a platform but that isn't the same with what earlier consoles were


so it would be better if they have a platform on both handhelds and consoles