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The Wii HD ship has sailed and sunk already.  They could have had a game changer if it got shipped for holiday '09 and they could have kept themselves super competitive if they released in the first half of this year.  They passed it by, and I can only assume they did so with some higher purpose in mind.  To announce a system that is ONLY HD at this point (above and beyond what they already have) is a waste.  The next system will have to be an innovation, because the HD market is already becoming saturated.  If  Nintendo wants to compete in graphical tech, they need to go the next step beyond, if they want to compete outside of that they need to (once again) say "screw the visuals."  At this point, it's clear that they are going for the latter over the former.  Nintendo probably doesn't want to beat the competition to the gate, and may even suffer a severe beating through 2012-13, but when they do launch it'll be with a technology that reminds people why Nintendo products can't be ignored.

Frankly, I wish they would have had a Wii HD last year for the holidays - it was warrented - but if they left that huge pile of money on the table then they aren't going to reach for it now that it has shrunken so noticably.

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