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Alright today GameTrailers released a show, this show is going to grade Nintendo , Microsoft and Sony on their years performance. Now I know how much we on the Wii boards love Michael Pachter, so I thought I would discuss something he was very adament about.

Wii HD, but this isn't the same old crap about how Wii HD is coming next month as he says it should. Not even talking about how in this very show he says WiiHD will come next year. The thing I want to discuss here is do you think a Wii HD is enough?

Michael Pachter talks about how he believes Iwata thinks he's Steve Jobs. He talks about how Iwata says the next Nintendo console has to be revolutionary and different. Michael Pachter thinks that Nintendo's next console should just be an HD version of the Wii. He has a bit of a debate with N'Gai Croal who says Nintendo needs to innovate while Michael insists Nintendo doesn't need to do anything but release a Wii HD.

Pachter says that all Nintendo needs is ports of Call Of Duty games and other third party titles currently on the PS3/360 to survive. He says they don't need to innovate or add anything to make the content unique or special consumers just want their HD games.

So do you agree with Mr.Pachter? Is HD really enough to warrant a new console? Would you go buy a Wii HD with as Pachter says 360/PS3 graphics? Do you think a majority of Wii owners would be willing to upgrade just for graphics? or do you think Nintendo needs to innovate and Pachter is loosing his mind?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer