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hatmoza said:
BengaBenga said:
NeoRatt said:

Only Gears 3, Kinect Star Wars, Forza 4, and 5 Kinect core games from Japanese studios have been announced...  I wouldn't doubt there will be something special for 360 owners on MGS Rising.  Given that the game has mostly been shown as a XBox 360 game.

I hope that MechAssault and Project Kingdoms, see the light of day in 2011.

I would like there to be a Crimson Skies sequel, Lost Odyssey sequel, Killer Instinct sequel, Perfect Dark sequel, a Kinect RTS (Halo Wars 2?), and a Kinect Viva Pinata sequel in 2011.  Mostly just wishful thinking though.

Yeah Lost Odyssey sequel would be great. With Chrono Trigger DS my favorite JRPG this gen. I never finished Gears 1, not really my game so Gears 3 as only big game for 2011 so far means probably I can work onmy backlog, especially since I have no interest in Kinect either.

Whatever happened to LA Noire and Agent? That looked like great games to me.

I think Agent is PS3 exclusive.

is AGENT still being made or has it been cancelled? We haven't seen anything about that game since e3 2009? No gameplay, trailer, etc.  I hope it didn't get canned