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While there probably has been many a great anime TV series before it, Madhouse and Masayuki Kojima’s adaptation of Monster is probably one of the very best. Ironically, much like the anime adaptation of another Urasawa work, Master Keaton, it’s the best show that no one watched.

With its sophisticated storytelling and complex plot weaving, memorable characters, godly production values and excellent pacing, it’s not hard to guess what my final rating for Monster will be.

Five Stars — Dominic K Laeno

Recommended Audience: The show can be very disturbing most of the time, but when it comes to it, the show can also be downright brutal for what it shows and doesn’t show the viewer. Also, considering the fact that the story, even though it starts out simple enough, is incredibly meticulous, Monster is really only open to older and/or more astute audiences that have a lot of will and the patience to make it through that 27-hour long journey of twists, turns and non-linear exposition."

Full review:

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."