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Before I start let me say that this anime shits over Death Note and Code Geass 3 times over. I would recommend any anime fan or thriller fan to delve into this series as it is phenomenal at every turn albiet the slow pacing (which is used for character development). The character cast is amazing there are times where we go long periods without seeing the protaganist, as the roles the other characters have played and development they go through is outstanding it's almost as every character has the piece of a magnicifent puzzle. I believe this stands head and shoulders as the greatest cast of character's any anime has seen.

DON'T FUCK WITH Inspector Ljunge

This review has light spoiler from episode 1-4 which are covered from the synopsis (Out of 74)

"Life is but a gentle death. Fate is but a sickness that results in extinction and in the midst of all the uncertainty, lies resolve."