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Eh, it's the best of the prequels but it's still not exactly good.

It still had a lot of the problems of the previous ones where the battles just had too much going on and lacked any sort of character.  I remember being bored at the laughably stupid Grievous scene and just how stupid the concept of him was.  The Anakin and Obi-Wan fight could have been cool if it didn't last an hour.  How epic something is doesn't directly relate to the length.

Also more of the same terrible writing except instead of Lucas showing us he can't write love he just doesn't know how to kill people.  He could have killed Padme in sooooooo many different ways but he chose she lost the will to live.  Ugh.

The whole Anakin choosing between the two sides thing just felt so forced.  I'm glad at least we get to see Anakin change to the dark side but for all these incredibly wise people everywhere, it's amazing they can't see the largest things coming.  Still though, at least the plot of this movie made some sense I guess.

Seeing Palpatine change was alright and probably could have been cooler if I wasn't already bored by the time they got to it.  Anakin's change could have been cool too if they didn't make him so emo.

Overall, 4/10