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Because one or two reviews were negative about setup experiences I thought we should share.

Overall one of the easiest setup of a device I have ever experienced.  I dont know what the issue were that some of the reviewers had, but the only setup experience I had was the cable wasnt long enough. Had to get an extension cable. 

As for space our couch actually sits to far away from the Sensor for us to be detected (No it isnt the supposed sit down problem, you can see as I move towards the couch my body disapears. Couch is about 12 feet away from sensor in the middle).  This lead me to try more of the voice command stuff which works excellent for the most part.  They need to fix the paths in the software where voice isnt recognized. For instance in Zune I tried to play music and had nothing in my queue so a message with an OK was thrown up.  So I had to use my hand to select it which meant getting up from couch and waving.  Stuff like this needs to be corrected in software updates.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.